Now U Know
   As of now,where are we then? We have Howard Brennan,apparently the best "outside-of-the-building" witness who couldn't even positively identify Oswald in a lineup and who flipflopped over and over again even time and again later.
Inside of the building we have NOONE that could identify Oswald just prior to,during and just after the shootings as actually being the shooter on the sixth floor.

Nobody seen him OR heard him leave the sixth floor for the second floor! Which eyewitness,even one,could identify Oswald as the guy shooting the rifle-no eyewitness!
  More and more,it appears to me that as long as there was someone shooting from the Depository then it would take all eyes off of any shooting activity on the ground,i.e.,outside of the grassy knoll,which I believe MIGHT be responsible for any shots that Connally took.
Connally is not the main focus here though.
Another thing is that by using the Depository as the place where the shots came from,as well as the grassy knoll,this would mask any shots that might come from in and immediately around the motorcade,and this is where my thinking lies. The Depository AND the knoll are the grand distractions and the real shooting took place from the left front of the Presidential limo and........? Frames 207-210(or maybe 215) of the Zapruder film.

      The Depository, at the time of the shot to the President's neck, was the closest place to place a shooter(s), to mask a shot which came from inside the motorcade. Grand deceit! 

The Greer shot becomes masked by the use of the knoll.How does all this sound to you? Does it make sense,in light of all the seeming/actual evidence? After all,the claims,up to this date, are that the shot from the Depository was the neck shot and the shot from the knoll was the fatal head shot. What if both are wrong? What do you think?

   I say that there is enough visual/testimonial proof to conclude that SA Greer shot JFK from the front. The proof for SA Ready firing the neck shot is not totally conclusive because of the cropping and the unavailable
video footage(we can only get as far as frame 207,but it does place us close to JFK's reaction before frame 225).
Frames 199-208 contain highly questionable data.
    Seeing how important a role that the TSBD plays in the overall event,one could almost assume that the shot which hit Kennedy in the throat was actually meant for the back of the head and the way that Greer and Kellerman reacted,by the movements of their heads,seems to speak as much. So much that Greer had no other choice because of the misaim(of Ready?).Was not Ready drinking with some other Agents into the wee morning hours?

    One could argue for at least two positions of final takeout: TSBD and the grassy knoll(Connally hit instead of Kennedy),leaving Greer to have to cap the dirty deed! To me, if one SS Agent is involved from the front then perhaps another is involved in the back and frames 199-208 seem to back this up. The more that attention is moved away from the Secret Service,by use of the TSBD and the knoll,and any other place, the better,for them,but not all people will be fooled!

   Since I believe that the Secret Service played a vital role in the assassination,it would make no sense whatsoever to have a shooter(s) from the Depository as it would jeopardize the life of one of their own and other players in the scheme. Hence,I don't think anybody shot from the TSBD, ALL of the so-called witnesses were compromised in their testimony. That leaves the knoll.

At the knoll there is again no positive identification of a shooter and remember,there are witnesses that said that they only heard 2 shots. It starts to turn out that the knoll and the Depository are carefully/lessly planned distractions and nothing more. Speculation at the Depository and at the grassy knoll,but not speculation when it comes to William Greer and the motions of SA John D. Ready! The Stemmons Freeway sign gives us problems in figuring out Ready and I would say that it was planned out that way.

    Funny thing too, the Zapruder film is the definitive film on the assassination(something like the Naudet film for 911).  Was this planned out as well? It does appear that some of the agents in the followup car,if not all,are staring at the Zapruder camera as if they knew ahead of time that they would be filmed, and who were the first people around Zapruder when he went to get the film processed? The Secret Service.

      If only there was some way to see what was going on(in the SS followup car), from frames 208 up to and including frame 225,especially in light of SA Ready's movements. Is the visual and testimonial evidence concerning SA Ready enough?Enough for what? AFAUSSS refuses to get back to me to even tell me if the man is alive, let alone where he can be contacted for a possible interview(I emailed them three times already with no response). Why the silence? After 47 years?

    I would have to say that ultimately, the TSBD and the grassy knoll were/are being used as MAJOR detractors from what the truth of the matter really is. Many people from the Depository felt that shots were going off from the grassy knoll and even the boys on the fifth floor moved over to the west window area. A seizured boy will draw attention to the building closest to him. Planted persons can also be used to draw other people's attention to certain buildings or areas. This is all part of classic psyops conditioning, used in the effort to draw people's attention off of the real suspects.

Drawing attention to the Depository?

   In 2010,major focus is on the grassy knoll,while you have your diehards that stick to the Depository,but I'm pointing you to the third and only sensible option and that is the Zapruder film/frames, regardless of those who say that the film has been heavily altered. You see, the last possible distraction is to say that the Zapruder film is simply untrustworthy. That is not true at all. Check it out for yourself!  

    Bottom line: the Secret Service played the major physical part in executing the plan so,therefore,they played the largest part in covering it up,from: confiscating cameras and altering their contents; manipulating people's testimony; planting false evidence and rumors/lies; removing incriminating evidence; possibly taking decoy shots from the knoll and the TSBD; and many other underhanded tactics, like having people run to draw attention to the TSBD and the knoll.

    Certain suspicious people in the grassy knoll area claimed to be Secret Service and a Secret Service Agent was used,right on the sixth floor, to duplicate the sound of the three cartridges hitting the floor. The plaza was riddled with Secret Service agents,but they won't tell you or me this information. Total Media blackout! Even Roy Kellerman ruled over Dr.Rose at Parkland Hospital to get the bodily evidence out of town fast! Alterations of anything that could possibly implicate them and they have been doing this stuff for who knows how many years,in many many countries! These people did in Diem,behind JFK's back! Why not do the big one at home! Those well paid warpigs!

    Since Greer IS implicated,although he passed away in 1985,because of the immense silence,the whole of the Secret Service was/is guilty. I obviously tend to the truth because I am concerned for the welfare of my fellow men/women/children. Otherwise,why waste the valuable time.Right? Many many people are implicated but then many of them passed on with this evil deed on their souls and on their consciences. 

   It was of the utmost necessity to get rid of Diem and Nhu,to use them as catalysts and to get rid of JFK because he wanted to do some work on the CIA and bring home the "advisors."

     After these people were gone,then the work on escalating the Viet Nam thing could really begin.Why? Population control,that's why and that is where Alex Jones is right. The more civilians and soldiers through the meatgrinder,the better. The ultra-rich want to be the ones to decide who is going to get access to the world's resources. They are the deciders and they manufacture the moves to do so. Eugenics-Endgame!

        Well,alot of my work is done. If you never here from me again, then just consider what I've said and what may have happened to me. Well,all the best to you and yours and it's up to you to decide on what happened to PRESIDENT John Fitzgerald Kennedy. The President that was at least trying to bring some real reform to  the country and the world! He didn't have to suffer for too long. May he be resting in a way better world. The rich and very powerful can't profit from Peace! It cuts into what they figure is their world.
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