Nov. 18 1963- two agents on back of Presidential limo.

Standdown at Love Field
JFK never complained about Agents riding on back of his car

Nov.22 1963-Agent Clint Hill on back of Presidential limo. SA Ready NOT on the other side.

Observe the right hand of SA Ready, the man on the right front runningboard of the followup car. And just what is he doing or getting ready to do? Here comes the sign! Perfect cover! Clear shot for Ready?
Altgens-corresponds to Zapruder 255 
Are the agents pretending? No help for JFK!
2 secs. after neck shot-frame 215
207-215 is .4 sec.
199-207 is another .4 sec.
Total of less than 1 second.
(Neck shot somewhere between 207 and 225).
*208(cropped after 207)-220 is less than a second*
What is strange here is that Ready,Landis and Hickey all appear to be looking at the figure in the TSBD doorway and not at the sixth floor. This makes some sense to me if the man at the doorway is in fact Lee Harvey Oswald. Maybe Oswald was at the doorway because he knew what was going to happen beforehand and might have even witnessed that neck shot! Perhaps the Secret Service had knowledge that Oswald wasn't on the sixth floor after all!