Prelude to Terror by Joseph J. Trento

65- Bush urges Nixon to resign.
66- Ford appoints Bush to head the CIA in November 1975...
67- But whatever cooperation Colby had given ceased overnight under Bush.
68- Hank Knoche: Bush came in from China. It was in the wake of the investigations [into CIA activities].
Shackley had denigrated the legendary Bill Harvey, his mentor, to Robert F. Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis...
69- And although Hank Knoche was Bush's top deputy, he knew better than to cross the clandestine side of the CIA.
GHWB: I had no politics when I was at the UN. I had no politics when I was at Beijing. And I intend to have no politics whatsoever while I'm at CIA.
70- SAVAK was allowed to operate openly and sometimes violently against Iranian opposition in exile in America.
71- ...King Idris of Libya, who was on the CIA payroll.
80- ...the probe against Helms, Shackley, and a handful of ITT executives seemed to be barely moving.
81- Finally, on August 4, Bush cabled Landau that the CIA "wanted nothing to do with the mission." But by that time, it was too late. The American visas and the Paraguayan passports had already been issued.
83- The record shows that Bush put Noreiga on the CIA payroll.
86- For Ed Wilson, WATCHTOWER was just the start of major illicit activities done in his name without his knowledge.
88- ...Kevin Mulcahy, a former CIA employee currently working for Wilson, had recently returned from Libya drunk and upset. He had told Mrs. Harper that her husband and son were not on a mine-clearing operation at all, but were teaching the Libyans how to make terrorist bombs.
89- Clines already knew why Wilson was in Geneva: he was there to complete arrangements for an assassination for his Libyan bosses and to find a replacement explosives expert for the nervous Harper.
90- ...Clines was spying on Wilson and filing reports about Wilson's activities with the purpose of creating a record in the days leading up to the Letelier bombing.
94- In August 1975, the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board(PFIAB) chaired by Admiral George W. Anderson (Ret.), wrote President Ford...
96-97-- ...
New York Times...David Binder...his ties to conservative membersof the intelligence community, including James Angleton...
97- Paisley...had ties to Watergate, and...complete access to Bush while he was at the CIA.
Paisley has never been heard from again.
98- "The reforms of the CIA started by the Church Committee in its 1975 hearings came to a dead halt under Bush...the goal was to better hide things, not fix things," said William Corson.
By "taking operations and puttong them in the hands of private businessmen and other countries..." said former CIA associate director Robert Crowley.
102- The Safari Club included France, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco and Iran.
Starting in the mid-1970's , bank investigators say, these accounts show that tens of millions of dollars were being transferred between CIA operational accounts and accounts controlled by Saudi companies and the Saudi embassy itself.
103- ...they were deathly afraid of the establishment of any Muslim fundamentalist regime in the region.
...Israeli and Saudi interests...converged.
In 1976...Adham agreed to allow Nugan Hand Bank's Bernie Houghton to open a branch in Saudi Arabia.
(Prince)Turki...tried to recruit
...the reform version of Islam fathered by Ibn Abd al-Wahhab...bringing the extreme Wahhabis into the GID...
104- ...Adham...Bank of Credit and Commerce International...buying banks around the world...
Bush had an account with BCCI established at the time he was at the CIA. The account was set up at the Paris branch of the bank.
Time magazine reported that the bank had it's own spies, hit men, and enforcers.
...the bank was being used by the United States and Saudi Arabia as an intelligence front.
105- The bank would solicit the business of every major terrorist, rebel, and underground organization in the world.
Adham had other important roles too. He arranged through DCI Bush to put Egypt's Vice President Anwar Sadat on an intelligence-agency payroll for the first time.
Adham and Abeti...tapped into the CIA's stockpile of misfits and malcontents to help man a 1,500 -strong group of assassins and enforcers.
It combined intelligence with an effort to control a large portion of the world's economy.
105 and 106- ...Benjamin Evans...helped persuade ...J. Danforth Quayle to provide cover in his Senate offices for some covert operatives.
108- On inauguration day, President Carter asked Hank Knoche to servce as acting director until Carter's next choice...Admiral Stansfield Turner...
114- Shackley, who had made a career out of successfully placing disinformation in the news media arranged for
Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward to get information falsely implicating Wilson in the Letelier case.
Woodward......has a Naval Intelligence background...
122- The PLO was so strong in Libya that it had actually been integrated into Qaddafi's armed forces.
123- Knoche, who had nothing to do with Shackley and his friends except as an admirer and facilitator of George H. W. Bush's, was fired.
124- "Turner's hiring of Frank Carlucci to replace Hank Knoche was manipulated by Shackley and Bush," William Corson said.
125- The new head of DO, John N. McMahon...
126- Shackley now had a man at the top of American nuclear security.
128 and 129- Among the things Wilson was tasked to observe for Shackley were the comings and goings of Carlos the Jackal.
129- At the very time that Libya was most active as a terrorist state, the CIA was providing expertise in explosives and other technologies useful to terrorists.
130- Weisz had been working for both the Israelis and the Soviets at various times in his career.